From the website
"During the end of last week and over the weekend there has been a festival in Halmstad on the westcoast of Sweden. One of the many events that went down was the skateboard demos on the Superramp. The rumour tells us that the shows were nothing but a success! Among the riders you could find some of the best vertskaters in Sweden such as Mathias Svensson (builder of the superramp) Macki, J-Mag, Pontus Björn , Robin Sandgren and Arina Rahman all the way from Malaysia. One of the riders that would like to stay anonymous describes the event as a rockstar tour with firstclass hotels and quote ” getting paid for doing what you love” end quote. We also overheard som information regarding the superramp beeing placed indoors during the winter, meaning Halmstad is from now on a place worth visiting also during wintertime! Thanks Macki for the pics!"
Video footage taken earlier during practice a week before the demo