X Games Asia has ended and Fairuzal is back in Malaysia in training for Korea. Not Like last year X Game Asia vert category was run in jam session. This year more skates took part total of 21 skaters. More pro ame because beside the vert they ca compete in the Mini Mega Ramp. Too bad Fairuzal cannot compete in the Min Mega Ramp because too many pro came to compete. Last year Esam was the Malaysian team host but this year MESA took over. There were some complaint with the Malaysian team athlete but Mesa is still new. With these experience we hope better things will happen and more international event to take part and be involve. Farris Rahman of Singapore also took part for the 1st time at the event, and he event took part in the street event. May be next time Fairuzal will got the chance to take part in both vert and street event.
Anyway good experienced for both Farris and Fairuzal. Congratulation to Pa'din and Kieron for making it to top 8th and 9th respectively in their late years. A sweet comeback for Kieron and Malaysia in the street event.